Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Information for Faculty and Staff
UROP openings can be advertised on the UROP website.
All UROP students are required to submit a research proposal online which consists of a student-authored 1-3 page typed research proposal describing they work they plan to conduct.
Review student applications for your UROP postings. Student's direct supervisor should conduct interviews to find the best fit for the project. Decide with the student whether they will be compensated through pay or credit, or research as a volunteer. Discuss expectations for the term with them, so that they have a clear understanding of expectations and project deliverables.
Research proposals are submitted online through the UROP website and must be approved by the PI. By signing the UROP coversheet the faculty supervisor is confirming support of the academic content of the proposal and are acknowledging understanding that no UROP student is allowed to begin work in the lab until all departmental and Institute chemical hygiene and/or safety requirements have been fulfilled.